SPM Trial 2017 Novel (Captain Nobody) Questions + Sample Answers

Continuing what we began last year, we have compiled the answers for the various states’ SPM trial questions for the novel section and once again, we are sharing it with everyone!

As this is a student based project, it might be imperfect. So, if you noticed anything wrong or if you would just like to leave any kind words of appreciation for the students who worked hard to produce this, kindly leave your feedback in the comment section below.

Feel free to share it around. We hope you will find it useful!

Click on the image below to begin download

CW 2017

Click on the image above to download



SPM Trial 2016 Novel (Captain Nobody) questions and sample answers


[updated 24/10/2017] A new module for 2017 SPM questions is now available!

[updated 16/10/2016] The module has seen various improvements. If you have downloaded the previous version, we humbly request that you replace it with this latest version. Thank you!

This module is a collection of sample answers for the various states’ trial questions written by the Peer Guides of SMK Agama Pahang. Although it is intended primarily for the benefit of our own students, we feel that sharing knowledge with others across the country (where Captain Nobody is used, of course) will bring us even more barakah, inshaAllah. Whether you are a teacher or student, we hope you will find this material useful. Our only request is that you please give credit to the authors and keep us, and all the SPM candidates in your prayers.

P/S: Bear in mind that this module is written by students and may therefore contain errors. We appreciate any feedback about the module.

Download the module here